Assistant professor in the Department of Peace Studies and International Development at the University of Bradford. He teaches a range of modules, including applied conflict research, conflict resolution, and project management in development. Sudhir’s research
interests range from politics to pedagogy and understanding how individuals learn. Currently, He is looking at ways to incorporate creative practices (like documentary theatre) in teaching the social sciences.
Recent Co-edited Special Issue:
Selvaraj, MS. and Susewind, R. (October 2024). Hindutva and the Rule(s) of Law. Social and Legal Studies.
Recent Journal Articles:
Selvaraj, MS. (2024). Acts of Violence?: Anti-Conversion Laws in India. Open Access on Social and Legal Studies.
Nielsen KB, Selvaraj MS and Nilsen AG (2023). Hindu nationalist statecraft, dog-whistle legislation, and the vigilante state in contemporary India. Open Access on Swedish Journal of Anthropology. 6(2): 19-37.
Recent Book Chapters:
Selvaraj , MS. 2024. ‘Intersectional Marginality: Compounding Structural Violence Against Dalit Christians in India’ in (eds) Anna Bochkovskaya, Sanjukta Das Gupta, Amit Prakash, Interrogating Marginalities across Disciplinary Boundaries Colonial and Post-
Colonial India (Routledge)